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Domain Name Invoice Template

Download the domain name invoice template to request payment for a domain name you sold. The invoice should include all information necessary to identify the domain name for the customer, such as the web-hosting service and extension.

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Domain Name

How to Make in Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word

Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.doc).

Step 2 – Bill To – Enter the name of the company or person you sold the domain name to, followed by their address and phone number. Include phone and fax numbers if needed.

Step 3 – To the right, enter the invoice number, invoice date, and the date the payment is due.

Step 4 – List each domain name the customer needs to pay for in the first column of the table and include the extension for each. Then enter the price and total for each domain, and include the web-hosting service if needed in addition to any associated registration information.

Step 5 – Add each figure in the right column to get the subtotal, then add any tax to get the grand total. Include any special payment instructions.

How to Make in Microsoft Excel

Step 1 – Download in Microsoft Excel (.xls).

Step 2 – At the top, enter your company’s name followed by its mailing address, phone number, and website. To the right, fill in the invoice number, invoice date, and customer ID if applicable.

Step 3 –  Bill To – Enter the name of the company or person you sold the domain name to, followed by their address and phone number. Include phone and fax numbers if needed. Complete the contact information for address you’re shipping the invoice to if it’s different from the customer address.

Step 4 – Domain Names – List each domain name the invoice covers in the first column of the table and include the extension for each. Then enter the price, tax, and total for each domain name, and include the web-hosting service if needed in addition to any associated registration information.

Step 5 – Add each figure in the Total column to get the subtotal, then add any taxes to get the grand total. Include any special payment instructions.