This invoice lets a business or individual bill for care, much like babysitting, although daycare usually includes the feeding and exercising of the child. Use it for a small home-based daycare business or for a larger center to help ensure timely payments are received.
How to Make in Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf) and Microsoft Word (.doc).
Step 2 – Enter the invoice number and date of invoice at the top right.
Step 3 – Write your company’s name and contact information at the top left, and include your email and fax numbers. Then enter the contact information for the customer you are billing to the right. In the right column, enter the contact information for the venue where the daycare was provided if it’s different from your company’s information.
Step 4 – Enter the name and age of the child the invoice covers, the approximate time they arrived and left each day, and the number of days spent at your daycare, followed by any payment terms and the due date of payment.
Step 5 – In the main table, write a separate entry for each type of service. If only general daycare was provided at a flat rate, you’ll just use one entry. If any special meals or activities were provided and add to costs, enter these on separate rows. Enter the date range for any service, the hourly cost (or for an item, the price of each) in the Price column, and then multiply to find the total cost for each row.
Step 6 – Add each figure in the Line Total column, include any discounts or taxes, and enter the grand total at the bottom. Indicate whom to make checks payable to at the bottom left.
How to Make in Microsoft Excel (.xls)
Step 1 – Download in Microsoft Excel (.xls).
Step 2 – Write your company’s name and any slogan you use at the top in the heading. Enter your company’s contact information below this, write the invoice number and invoice date to the right, and where it says FOR, write a general description of the services provided. Below your contact info, enter the customer’s contact information.
Step 3 – In the table, you can enter services for multiple children if the same person is paying their bill, or you can enter repeated entries for the same child for daycare provided on numerous occasions. Include the times the child arrived and left, number of hours, hourly rate, and then multiply to figure each amount.
Step 4 – Add each figure in the amount column to reach the grand total, and include any payment instructions necessary.