
Make a Free Invoice Now

Hotel Invoice Template

Download the hotel invoice template to bill a guest for staying or sharing a room along with any other amenities or fees.

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In most accommodations, there are add-ons available to the guest, including but limited to, mini-bar drinks and snacks, breakfast, room service, parking, events, event access, and any other offers. The invoice is usually presented to the guest upon check-out with payment expected immediately.

Hotel Credit Card Authorization Form – Use if a company or another person is going to be paying for the hotel room.

How to Make in Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word

Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf) and Microsoft Word (.doc).

Step 2 – Enter your hotel’s name at the top followed by your address, phone and fax numbers, and website.

Step 3 – Billing Party – Write the name of the company and/or person being billed for the hotel stay, followed by the associated contact information.

Step 4 – Costs – To calculate the total cost, enter each separate type of room the party agreed to pay for, the number of nights in each and the nightly rate, and then multiply to enter the total at the right.

Step 5 – Add each figure in the total column to get the subtotal, then add any applicable taxes and fees. This will give you the grand total the guest owes.

How to Make in Microsoft Excel

Step 1 – Download in Microsoft Excel (.xls).

Step 2 – At the top, place your hotel’s name and contact information, including the email address and website. To the right, enter the invoice number and date.

Step 3 – Bill To – Enter the name, address, and other contact information for the guest you’re billing. To the right, including the guest’s phone and fax numbers as well as their website and email if applicable.

Step 4 – Charges – For each separate room, enter the room number, the name of the guest(s), dates of check-in and out, number of nights, the nightly rate, and then total each row at the right.

Step 5 – Add each number in the Line Total column to get the subtotal the client owes. Include any taxes and other charges to get the grand total due. Finally, write any comments to the left regarding due dates or payment options.